Live Online Course on Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act 1988 with Rules
The live course on the Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act, 1988, with Rules provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework aimed at preventing illicit property dealings.
Faculty Instructor
Start Date
30 Mar 2024
End Date
30 Mar 2024
Duration :
2 Hrs
Lesson :
Time :
+GSTWho is this for?
- Students and Learners
- Government Officials
- Business Owners
- Finance Professionals
- Accountants
- Tax Professionals
What will be Covered in the Course?
- Overview of the Act and its objectives
- Understanding the concept of benami transactions & exemptions
- Who has the onus of proof?
- Key definitions – Benami Transaction, Property, Benami Property, Benamidar, Beneficial owner
- Is it limited to only Real Estate?
- Power of attorney transactions
- What are the consequences if a benami transaction / property is proved?
- Machinery for attachment, adjudication and confiscation
- Attachment, Adjudication and Confiscation
- Consequences of re-transfer of the property by the Benamidar
- Management of properties confiscated
- Possession of the property
- Can multiple actions be taken under different laws?
- What is meant by known sources?
- Does foreign property also come within scope of benami property?
- Offences and Prosecution
- Appeals
- Does the law have retrospective application?
- Analysis of notable cases
Benami Property Transaction Course’s Key Features
- English Medium
- Duration 2 Hours
- E Certificate
- E Notes available
- The Recordings will be provided